A Great Time to Help Those in Need!

The Spring season is now in bloom in Michigan. Those of us that have been cooped up for the last five months are eager to get back to the active outdoor lifestyle! A great way to get out in the fresh air and help people in need is through fundraising events like the American Cancer Society’s Relay For Life. The Michigan State University Public Relations Student Society of America has a team and is ready to participate in this rewarding event for another year. Last year’s team placed sixth in overall fundraising. The PRSSA Relay For Life team is looking for teammates and donations in order to meet their goal of $2,600. To donate to the MSU PRSSA Relay For Life team, click here.

And although I would (almost) never support the University of Michigan, their efforts in raising money for children with disabilities is a great cause and should be recognized. My younger brother is participating in his first Dance Marathon at the University of Michigan today and tomorrow in Ann Arbor. DMUM is the largest student-run non-profit organizations on UM’s campus. Last year DMUM raised more than $388,000 for pediatric rehabilitation programs. It’s a great cause, to donate click here.

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