Is Viewing Social Media Profiles Too Invasive for Potential Employers?

While browsing through my Twitter feed this morning I came across a link to a CNN article about job-seeking students hiding their Facebook profiles to make it harder for companies to see the “real” them. I found the article extremely interesting as I too have made some privacy changes to my account, but to only keep strangers away from seeing my most personal information.

As a senior in college I’ve been told countless times how important it is to keep my Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter profiles professional. These social media tactics should merely help me earn a position with a company, not keep me from obtaining one.  I understand employers are using these profiles as a way to get to know potential employees but is it too invasive?

I don’t try to hide that I’m active on the Web. My Tweets aren’t hidden and my Facebook profile is accessible. LinkedIn is definitely open, as I use that site as my way of contact with professionals. Anyone can search for my (real) name on any of the three profiles listed above and they will connect to my personal page. I find it sad that people have to go to these extremes to hide from potential employers. I hope that students realize professionals can find a way to get a hold of your information one way or another… you remember the six degrees of separation, right?

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